We Help The Ones Who Want To Get Help To Quit Smoking

…This patient was eloquent and to the point. He enjoyed smoking a cigar every now and then, and smoked cigarettes occasionally. He did not care about the future effects a little smoking might do to him. For him it was well worth the price of getting to eat the cake now. Tomorrow is for tomorrow. He wanted to live for today or something like that.

I was caught a bit of guard by his bluntness. This was a smart and articulate man who was actually choosing to fill is lungs with smoke and tar at a premium price.

I reflected on his response for a couple of beats looked back at him and said “OK.”

I meant it. This is after all the land of the free. We are not living in some dictatorship regime where all your opinions are given to you. This was ‘the freaking U.S. of A.’

So if this patient is representative of your attitude. My word for you is the same “OK!”

red cross
I am not trying to push rope up a hill. It is difficult enough to help the ones who want to climb the mountain. If you want to smoke…carry on. You can turn you back and walk away I won’t be offended. This blog is not for you. We help the ones who want to get help here only. OK?

However if the opposite is true and you are finally ready to quit, if you have tried and tried and failed and don’t know what to do, then stick-around. You are in the right place. We can help you quit (for good) just like we have done for many before you. Just give us a try the only thing you have to lose is the nasty smoking habit.
Creative Commons License photo credit: gematrium



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