Posted by Anonymous to Quit Smoking Rx at November 7, 2007 4:36 PM

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post “YOUR CHANTIX EXPERIENCE?”:

Dear Anonymous,
I have a similar story however it was not me that attempted suicide it was my little sister. She has always been a very vibrant, happy, funny, free spirited person with the heart of an angel. She started Chantix in February and tried again in April…she attempted to take her life on October 2nd, 2007. She is absolutely devastated because of this. She has no memory of the incident which is making it even harder for her to heal. She has said over and over that she is not suicidal, she loves her life and does not want to die and has no reason for doing this. There is no history of mental illness in our family and she has never been depressed in the past. We have filed a complaint with the FDA in reference to this medication. We have also contacted an attorney and found that there are others out there that are complaining of the exact same side effects. I suggest that everyone that has the following side effects do the same thing:
uncontrollable rage, uncontrollable crying, severe mood swings with no trigger, increased alcohol consumption, difficulty concentrating, loss of interest at work, home and hobbies, depression, suicidal ideation and attempted suicide.



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