4 Herbal Remedies That Might Help You Quit Smoking

Herbal smoking cessation products are now becoming more popular, as thousands of smokers are now becoming more interested in the benefits of herbal medicines as an alternative to many smoking cessation treatments. There are several herbal smoking cessation products available in the market today. However, you may want to consult first your family physician before taking any herbal medicines to make sure that it is safe and it has no contradictory effect on your existing medical condition or any medication.

Below are 4 of the popular herbal smoking cessation products available in the market today.

 1.       Burdock Root

Burdock root is a native weed found in North America. It usually used as an ingredient in a herbal smoking cessation product and must not be taken on its own. It can be lethal if taken in large quantity and it is not for long term use. Burdocks are very similar to other poisonous plants; this is the reason why it is not advised that you make your own herbal mix using burdock roots.

2.       Echinacea

Echinacea is believed to have medicinal values like enhancing your immune system. However, medical experts are still debating on its effectiveness. Like burdock root, it is not recommended to use Echinacea solitarily. It is usually combined with other herbal ingredients to make a smoking cessation product. There were no reported case of an adverse side effect among its users; however people with medical conditions should seek first the advice of their doctors before taking this type of smoking cessation aid.

3.       Hyssop

Hyssop is a collective term used for plants with medicinal value found in the Mediterranean. Like Burdock root it can cause poisoning if taken in large quantity. Herbal smoking cessation products use hyssop as a main ingredient and not as a pure component. Other types of herbs are used to increase the potency of the herbal medicine.

4.       Valerian Root

Valerian root is known to cure several medical conditions. However, it must be noted that after discontinuing its use, you may feel some withdrawal symptoms. Valerian roots are sometimes mixed with other herbal ingredients.

With the growing awareness among smokers and the necessity for a more efficient smoking cessation aids, people are looking for alternatives that can lessen the symptoms of smoking cessation. However, it must be noted that these herbal alternatives must be taken with extra diligence and with the advice of your trusted physicians. Any unregulated amount of any herbal or natural remedies may still harm your overall health and may cause unwanted side effects.

Safety First

Some herbal smoking remedies are not FDA approved. Make sure that you take the necessary precautions before taking any dose of any smoking cessation products. You may want to read product reviews or journals about the herbal product you’re planning to use. Don’t simply take any herbal smoking cessation product out of self medication or simple recommendation of a friend who happens to know about the product. Always seek the advice of a duly licensed doctor.



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