5 Steps to Help Your Spouse Quit

If you don’t smoke but your spouse does, you definitely feel a great desire to help her quit. But as much as you think it helps, nagging and preaching does not in any way lead your significant other to a smoke-free life. Instead, you want to be as supportive, considerate and encouraging as possible. Here are five simple steps to help your spouse quit:

  1. Tell her your intentions and show how serious you are. If your spouse has the willingness to quit but couldn’t do it because of the cravings and withdrawal symptoms, you need to assure her that you are going to be just beside her through it all – no matter what. Your support means a lot. But if she doesn’t want to quit, explain to her (in a good way) how you feel bad and broken every time you see her lighting up. If there’s someone who could convince her to quit, for sure it would be you.
  2. Set a quit date. Encourage your spouse to set a specific date when she will no longer light up. When doing so, you both have to be realistic. Don’t push her too hard by choosing a quit date that’s too soon. Of course, you have to consider her smoking habits, how long she had been smoking, and so on.
  3. Give all the kind of support she would need. Whether she needs someone to talk to in times of extreme craving, or someone who could explain what smoking cessation options she has, be that person. If you need to research about the best quit smoking strategies or additional information that will help her quit, do it. Remember that your spouse is going through a tough challenge. Just by telling her “stop”, “please don’t light up”, etc is not enough to get her out of nicotine addiction. You may want to ask your spouse in what way you can specifically help. In addition to this, you can also encourage her to seek professional help, engage in healthier lifestyle like exercising and observing a balanced diet. But of course, you want to be always the role model. Show your spouse what being healthy means and how it affects your relationship and your family.
  4. Offer rewards for not smoking. You may want to treat her to a romantic restaurant for passing through the first few days of smoking cessation. Or, you can arrange a travel adventure with your spouse and the kids. You can keep her motivated and inspired by showing how much you appreciate every little effort she gives to quit smoking for good.
  5. Encourage her to engage in relaxing activities. During the first weeks of smoking cessation, your spouse is likely to feel irritable, anxious, and disoriented. Plus, she may experience stressful withdrawal symptoms like headache, nausea, and fatigue. In order to get through these all without experiencing a relapse, encourage your spouse to practice relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, and so on.



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