5 Worst Effects of Smoking on Your Teeth

They say it is very easy to determine a smoker from a crowd without having to see them actually lighting up. Aside from the fact that they don’t smell good, smokers often have yellowish teeth, darker lips and gums, and overall poor oral health. Quitting smoking today will free you from the following not-so-good side effects:

1.  Plaque

Before going out on a date, make sure you have that ugly plaque removed by a dentist. Plaque is a build-up of dirt, bacteria and food particles left on the surface of the teeth. Overtime, plaque thickens and breeds more bacteria, which in turn makes the teeth more vulnerable to decay and cavities. Studies show that smokers are more likely to develop plaque than non-smokers. This is because tobacco increases the amount of bacteria in the mouth that cause plaque.

 2.  Mouth infection

Smoking weakens the body’s immune system, making a person more prone to inflectional diseases. Because smokers puff through their mouth, the gums, tongue and lips are always exposed to thousands of toxins that cigarette contain. Infection in the mouth is very common among smokers, especially those who smoke a pack a day. Smokers are at a higher risk of developing gingivitis and gum infection than non-smokers. They are also prone to mouth cancer.

 3.  Tooth loss

This is something you don’t want to happen especially of you are an adult. Our teeth stops growing at the age of 12 and above so losing one could be a nightmare to most people. If you do not want to lose a tooth, don’t try to smoke. Plaque causes tooth decay, which eventually leads to decay and tooth loss. Smoking also causes the gums to get inflamed – another risk factor for tooth loss.

 4.  Dry socket

Dry socket is a very painful condition that happens when the area where the tooth has been extracted does not recover quickly. Smokers experience slow wound recuperation after dental surgery because the toxins found in tobacco smoke interferes with the healing process. This is why dentists always remind patients not to smoke for several days after undergoing tooth extraction. Dry socket is a very painful condition that requires immediate medical attention.

 5.  Teeth yellowing

The culprit behind the tooth-yellowing effect of smoking is tar. This substance leaves sticky deposits on teeth surfaces, which in turn causes unattractive, yellow stain. This stain is very hard to remove and often requires bleaching.

Quitting smoking now is essential if you do not want to develop more serious oral health problems. Infections are extremely debilitating conditions that can greatly affect the quality of your life. So before it’s too late, consider quitting smoking. There are a wide range of treatments available, from nicotine replacement therapies to medications (Chantix and Zyban), counseling, and so on. Talk to your doctor and know about your smoking cessation options. Surely, you will be able to find the best method that will work for you.



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