Preparing Your Mind to Quitting Smoking: 7 Tips

Nicotine addiction is a serious condition that must be dealt with not just physically but mentally. Before you begin with the smoking cessation process, you have to be able to identify the psychological factors that make you crave for cigarettes. This way, it will be easier for you to deal with the withdrawal symptoms as you strive to achieve a smoke-free life.

Here are tips to help you mentally prepare for the smoking cessation process:

  1. Consider how badly you need cigarettes. Ask yourself, why do you need to smoke? What is it with smoking that makes you complete? Does it make you feel happy? In what way? Does it relieve you from boredom? Does it give you pleasure? Does it make you experience the sense of belongingness with your peers?
  2. Why do you want to stop? If cigarettes give you enjoyment, then why would you consider quitting? Is it because you are concerned about the ill effects of smoking to your health? Is it because at the end of the day, the sadness or whatever negative emotion you feel is never relieved by cigarettes? Is it because you want to have children or you want to see your children grow and be with them for many more years?
  3. Outweigh the pros and cons. Now, after determining the positive effects that you think smoking has, as well as the reasons that are pushing you to stop smoking now, come up with an intelligent, well-thought comparison. Surely, you will realize that cigarettes are something you don’t need. At this point, you are likely to feel more motivated and inspired to move forward and start a new life over again – this time, without smoking.
  4. Talk to the people close to you. They may be your family or friends. These people are those who have deep concern for you. They can give you more insights, as well as reasons to strive harder and achieve your goal. Be open to them. Tell them your sentiments, feelings, worries, stories, anything that can make you feel more comfortable and relieved.
  5. Spend some time alone to reflect. It is also necessary that you spend some time alone to assess how you score in the smoking cessation process. Take time to assess yourself as smoker. Determine your smoking triggers and think of ways on how to combat them.
  6. Avoid cynicism. Negative thoughts are very destructive. They can destroy all your efforts to quit smoking. During the process, you are likely to experience irritation, anxiety and other negative emotions. But you have to overcome your cynicism; otherwise, quitting smoking can become a very difficult process. Hold on to your goal. Allow positive thoughts to enter your mind and let go of the negative ones.
  7. Be mindful. One of the best ways to clear your mind with negative emotions is to exercise mindfulness meditation. Through this exercise, you allow your mind to relax – the perfect moment to achieve optimism.



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