Nicotine Addiction: 5 Signs to Watch Out

Nicotine addiction is nearly unavoidable among cigarette smokers. Sometimes pipe smokers and cigar smokers can live without consenting to the nicotine’s addictive nature, but occasional cigarette smokers are very rare these days. That’s because each puff on a cigar gives nicotine shot to the brain, quickly releasing dopamine – a natural chemical that makes you feel good. This good feeling happens within 10 seconds of every puff but ultimately disappears within a few minutes, causing you to crave for another puff.

If you smoke cigarettes, probably you’re addicted to nicotine. Medical evidence shows that nine out of ten people who begin smoking are still smoking after several years. Most of them cannot quit smoking as nicotine, a drug often found in tobacco, is addictive. Unfortunately, smoking is dangerous and is known as the leading cause of preventable diseases.

Nicotine addiction signs are easy to spot. Here are 5 signs of nicotine addiction.

  • You can possibly feel intense cravings for smoke or cigarette all day long, particularly when you are stressed. Signs include feeling agitated, irritated and anxious. You can also experience nausea, vomiting and headache.
  • Your cravings for a cigarette will be unendurable and at times you may feel that you cannot think of other things.
  • You can find yourself eating all the time to catch up for the smoking and weight gain.
  • You smoke even if you are sick.
  • You find ways on how you can smoke. Perhaps you go outside to smoke even if it is raining or cold.

If you are trying to quit, you may feel lethargic or depressed, because you are no longer getting high levels of dopamine all through the day. Treatment for nicotine addiction involves active cooperation with your doctor and using the medication that’s right for you. You may also consider hypnosis and acupuncture, or go to places where smoking is prohibited to curb your craving. Always remind yourself why you must quit. You can write a list of the top reasons why you need to quit smoking. For instance, you don’t want to acquire a lung cancer and die at a very young age. If you are craving for a cigarette, distract yourself. Wash the dishes, sing a song, dance, play a game with your friends, exercise or go for a walk. Look for something that can distract you from lighting up.

Additionally, some people who have quit smoking often complain of having more headaches, dreams and dizziness during withdrawal. Statistic show that smokers experience these nicotine withdrawal signs when they’re trying to stop or quit smoking.  Expect to experience the nasty effects of nicotine withdrawal the moment you start to quit. Generally, they start to subside after a few days and even more after one month. Withdrawal symptoms might linger for a little longer, but eventually, you will get through it.



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