7 Ways to Eliminate Third Hand Smoke from Your Home

Cigarette smoke residue refers to the third hand smoke that causes risk to non-smokers being exposed to it. Any person who doesn’t smoke can tell if a smoker has been close by. Correspondingly, when a non-smoker gets into the house of a smoker, they can instantly tell that somebody smoked in that area. On the fixtures, walls, curtains and carpets, every corner is exposed to third hand smoke.

Research has recognized that nicotine deposited on fabrics or fixtures reacts with atmospheric pollution to develop a chemical group of compounds known as nitrosamines. This is really a concern because this type of chemical has carcinogen. Dust particles having these chemicals can be inhaled taking a single course for direct lung infection. Growing children are distinctively vulnerable to small rate toxins. Their tiny size means that they are nearer to contaminated areas. Also, they are more likely to touch items of clothing or furniture. The optimum hazard to those exposed to third hand smoke is not easy to calculate, but there’s no denying of it. These chemicals are known toxins, most of which does not have safe exposure rates.

Small children and infants, because of their closeness to the wall and other areas, and their quicker breathing, take in almost 19 times more third hand smoke than adults do. That’s why stopping smoking and detoxifying not only your lungs, but also your entire living areas, is truly important for the health of your friends, family and loved ones. Some experts suggest replacing fixtures, clothing, and wall materials to eliminate all traces of these harmful carcinogens, but there are some and affordable actions you can perform to avoid this risk.

7 ways to eliminate third hand smoke.

Wash down all the walls and floor with sugar soap. This is advisable. However it might take a few washes to remove all third hand smoke residues on them.

Industrial clean or dry clean all your towels, linens and clothes. This can be a little bit expensive, but it is cheaper than replacing all your towels, lines and clothes.

Make all your fabric coated fixtures steam-cleaned. If you or a non-smoker can still smell cigarettes, it may be time to begin replacing items.

Clean your floors professionally. Steam clean all drapes and carpets. Carpets are a large problem, so you need to clean your floors professionally or look for someone who can clean the floors diligently. Again when they still smell cigarettes, it may be worth considering replacing them to eliminate traces of third hand smoke completely.

Wipe down all hard and wooden fixtures with right cleaning solutions. Bear in mind. Any area can acquire third hand smoke.

Keep the children away from public places where smoking is intense. If you are not residing in a place with smoke banning in restaurants, look for restaurants that ban smoking, especially if you bring your children out to eat. This also applies to entertainment places, concerts, shows and other places that smokers consider comfortable to smoke.

Quit smoking. If you or anybody else in your home smokes, the most efficient way to avoid risk to the children is to stop or encourage the smoker residing in your home to stop right away. Of course, it is a difficult habit to stop but you just have to consider some of the benefits you can get for quitting.

Nevertheless, eliminate all those ashtrays, lighter and other smoking gears if you really want to stay smoking free or quit smoking.



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