5 Harmful Effects of Smoking to Women’s Health

Women who smoke, irrespective of their age, are at risk of illnesses that are not only harmful to their health but also to the health of people around them. If you’re planning to quit, or still looking for reasons to quit, below are 6 harmful effects of smoking on women’s health that you should know.

Women who smoke are 17 times more at risk of dying from lung cancer than non-smokers. Now, Beautiful-young-woman-smoking--39916528lung cancer is the primary cause of cancer deaths in women. Around 68, 000 women die each year in the US because of lung cancer.

Women who smoke are at greater risk of developing and suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Smoking dramatically increases your risk of developing heart disease and stroke. Middle-aged women who smoke are three times more at risk to these diseases than those who never smoke in their life.

Women who smoke are more likely to suffer from reproductive health complications. Smoking increases women’s risk of early menopausal, miscarriage, infertility, low birth-weight in infants, and newborn deaths. It also doubles your risk of developing cervical cancer.

Research reveals that smoking is dangerous to women’s reproductive health. It does not only harm the ovaries but it also increases the risk of developing genetic abnormalities in the eggs.  Women who smoke are also at risk of ectopic pregnancy and spontaneous miscarriage. Women who smoke are also less likely to conceive.

Some of the common harmful effects of smoking in infants:

  • Sudden infant deaths
  • Perinatal deaths
  • Learning disorders
  • Attention deficit disorder

What happens when a pregnant woman smoke?

  • Poisonous and dangerous chemicals are passed to your baby.
  • The flow of blood to your baby is disrupted.
  • Fetal development is affected, which reduces birth weight, and disturbs brain (and lung) development.
  • If the baby is born, they’ll be more susceptible to infections and other illnesses.
  • Your baby may develop congenital defects or deformities.

Women who smoke are more likely to suffer from hormonal problems. Smoking interrupts women’s


Cigarette smoke contains more than 2000 chemicals which can greatly affect the way you look. Continuous smoking encourages the development of wrinkles, crow’s feet, and loose skin even at an early age.

menstrual cycle and may lead to early menopausal. It also speeds up the aging process. This is the reason why women who smoke have more wrinkles and duller skin compared to non-smokers of the same age bracket. Chemicals found in tobacco smoke significantly alter the way your body produces hormones.

Women who smoke look older than their actual age. Cigarette smoke contains more than 2000 chemicals which can greatly affect the way you look. Continuous smoking encourages the development of wrinkles, crow’s feet, and loose skin even at an early age. Smoking also increases the tar deposit and causes chronic bad breath. Years of smoking also damages your hair cells causing premature gray hairs and baldness.

More or less most smokers are aware of these different harmful effects of smoking to their health. Maybe, the problem is, most smokers lack the courage to let go of the habit. Yes, it is hard to quit smoking and many can attest to that. But you may want consider this – children who grow up in a smoke-free home are healthier and less likely to suffer from asthma, chest infections, colds, learning disorders, and other diseases linked to smoking.

If you quit smoking now, it is not only your kids who will benefit from it. You and your husband will feel better and healthier. You’ll get to enjoy your life better. You do things that smoking deprived you from doing. You’ll be more energetic to play and run around with your kids.



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