Quit Smoking Cigarettes Now – Why not?

Most prior smokers attempted to stop multiple times prior to them finally succeeding.

If the above is true, why not try to quit smoking now? If you truly want to be free of tobacco, why not attempt to do it today?

Here are the steps you need to follow to maximize your chances of quitting smoking cigarettes forever.

What are the steps in quitting?

First, you can perform specific things to prepare to quit smoking. For example, you can check with your health care plan provider for help. Here are some other things you can do:

New-Years-Resolution-25028927Establish a date to quit. If you can, plan to have one of your friends quit along with you. It is ideal to choose a day within the following month. A date that is too far into the future will provide you an opportunity to postpone, whereas a date too soon might not enable you to prepare for support systems or medications.

• Notice why and when you light up. Attempt to discover the things in your day-to-day life, which you often perform when smoking.

• Alter your smoking routine: Keep cigarettes within a different place. Smoke using your other hand. Do not do anything else as you are smoking. Imagine how you feel as you smoke.

• Smoke just in specific places, like outside.

• As you desire a cigarette, wait a minute. Attempt to imagine something to do rather than lighting up.

• Purchase one pack at a time. Change to a brand you do not particularly like.


Most prior smokers attempted to stop multiple times prior to them finally succeeding. If you slip up, do not give up or be discouraged, go back and try to quit the smoking habit again.

Day one of quit smoking habit

• Throw out all of your cigarettes and put ashtrays out of sight.

• Switch up your morning routine. As you consume breakfast, do not sit at the same place. Remain busy.

• As the urge to smoke creeps in, take your mind off it and find something else to do.

• Carry additional things to place into your mouth, like hard candy, gum, or toothpick.

• At the end of the day, reward yourself for not smoking. Take in a film or go out to dinner.

• Tell your family members and friends of your determination to quit smoking; ask them to support you.

Remaining abstinent from smoking

The expected results of quitting include difficulty concentrating, irritability, increased appetite, and cravings to smoke. Therefore, if you feel sleepier, more distracted, or more short-tempered than usual, do not be concerned, as these feelings will subside.

Attempt to exercise. For instance, ride a bike, go for a walk, go swimming, or take a Pilates or yoga class.

• Think about the positive aspects of quitting. For instance, imagine how much you enjoy yourself as a non-smoker, health benefits for your family and yourself, as well as the example you are setting for other people around you. A good attitude will assist you through the rough times.

• As you seem tense, attempt to remain busy and consider methods of easing the stress. Say to yourself that smoking will not make it any better, and do something else instead.

• Consume regular meals, as feeling hungry sometimes is mistaken for a need to smoke.

• Begin to put the cash saved by not purchasing cigarettes into a ‘money jar.’

• Inform other people you know that you have stopped smoking. You will find that many will support you. Most of your friends who smoke might want to know what you did to quit.

Make this your year – why not? Most prior smokers attempted to stop multiple times prior to them finally succeeding. If you slip up, do not give up or be discouraged, go back and try to quit the smoking habit again.

Are you in the process of trying to quit smoking? Why have you decided to quit? Share your comments!



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