15 Traits of Successful Quitters

People who quit smoking successfully shared common traits and took the same steps to become an ex-smoker. As an old saying goes – the easiest way to succeed is to follow the examples of those who succeed. Below are the 15 traits of successful quitters you may want to follow.

  1. People who successfully quit smoking acknowledged that fact that they needed the support and help of their family, and friends.
  2. They never gave up their hope of quitting and tried several times before they finally quit smoking for good.
  3. Man-jump-through-the-gap-Elem-40996807

  4. Successful quitters are highly motivated and determined to do whatever it takes to be totally in control of the habit without any second thought.
  5. They are resolute and did not yield to the inconvenience brought by the withdrawal process, knowing that later they’ll be rewarded with good health and freedom.
  6. They believed in their capacity to stop smoking and believed that they did have a choice to quit smoking.
  7. People who quit smoking knows how important it is to drink lots of water and how it help to speed up the recovery process, and learned to discipline themselves to do so.
  8. Successful quitters fixed their quit date and never made lame excuses to extend and continue smoking.
  9. They are honest to themselves and refused to make excuses for smoking. They have a clear understanding of the reality and the harmful effects of smoking.
  10. People who successfully quit let their friends help.
  11. They rewarded themselves for all sacrifices they made to quit smoking.
  12. Successful quitters never allowed themselves to go back to their smoking habit. They threw away their cigarettes, ashtrays, lighters, and all other things that can remind and trigger them to smoke. They also told their family, friends, and peers that they have quit smoking. They have developed strong spirit to quit smoking for good.
  13. They used smoking cessation drugs, therapies, and mental techniques to help them quit smoking.
  14. Successful quitters helped others to quit the habit. They have built and cultivated the sense of friendship and responsibility to share their success with others who also want to quit smoking. They understand what others are going through because they are once in their shoes.
  15. People who successfully quit smoking acknowledge and accept their own shortcomings and errors, and that they are determined to change for the better. They don’t blame others for they habit and assumed full responsibility and accountability.

    People who successfully quit smoking acknowledge and accept their own shortcomings and errors, and that they are determined to change for the better. They don’t blame others for they habit and assumed full responsibility and accountability.

  17. And lastly, regardless of the situation they are in, they never puffed a single cigarette.  They fully understand that a single cigarette can completely ruin all the progress they have made and all the efforts they have exerted together with the efforts of their family and friends to help them stay nicotine-free.

By following the examples of people who have successfully quit smoking, you can greatly improve your chances of quitting for good. Start working your way out of smoking today, follow these success traits of former smokers so you, too, can be a good example to others.



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