Why Sleep is Important in Your Quit Smoking Efforts

The importance of quality sleep is often ignored by former smokers. After a surgery, physicians would normally advise their patients to get plenty of rest and sleep. It is because during your sleep that much of the recovery process happens in the body. Sufficient sleep lessens the annoying side effects of quitting smoking.

The Many Benefits of SleepCloseup Profile Portrait Of Young Man With Closed Eyes And Smoke

Sufficient and quality sleep enables you to perform at your best. For instance, your brain undergoes a rebooting process. This process is essential in maintaining your focus, reacting to stimuli, or retaining information. Sleep also affects your mood. Quality sleep lessens restlessness and irritability. Studies even suggest that poor sleep increases the possibility of depression.

Sleeping gives your body the time to recover. Memory consolidation, muscle repair, and hormone secretion controlling growth and appetite happen during your sleep. Cortisol secretion declines at bed time and increases while you’re asleep to boost alertness during the day. Sleep also contributes to a healthy immune system.

Sleep and Weight Gain

Quality sleep is also important in managing your weight gain. It helps regulate Leptin and Ghrelin, the two important hormones that controls your hunger and fullness. Poor sleep makes you feel that you have to eat more, which eventually results to weight gain.

Sleep and Stress Management

Taking a nap during the day can help manage your stress. Since sleep promotes relaxation and rest, it is good stress management tool. Sufficient rest enables you to work at a competitive level and focus better.

Do you get enough sleep?

Sleep requirement is different for different age groups. Adults would require 7-8 hours of sleep while children may require 8 hours and more. You may not be getting sufficient sleep if the following is true to you:

  • You drink a lot of coffee just to get through the day.
  • You find it hard to focus or start your day.
  • You get sleepy when driving.
  • You often drift off to sleep while in meetings, conferences, movies, etc.

How to deal with insomnia?

Majority of smokers will notice some changes in their sleeping patterns after they have quit, and their smoking cessation aids can worsen the problem. But these changes normally don’t last very long. Here are some healthy tips for fast recovery:

  • Don’t bother yourself too much over insomnia. It is only temporary.
  • Make a routine that gets you tired (like hitting the gym). Also make a sleeping schedule or program that works for you.
  • A warm shower before bed time helps you relax,
  • Refrain from or turn-off all electronic gadgets 2 hours before going to bed.
  • Avoid heavy exercise, over eating, or drinking alcohol at night time.
  • Make your bedroom comfortable.
  • If you can’t sleep, try to get up and drink water, and try doing something else like reading or writing. Soon you’ll be tired enough and go back to bed.

Quality and sufficient sleep is very important to your health and your effort to quit smoking and stay quit. Prioritize sleep in your routine. Enough sleep helps you withstand the symptoms and cravings associated with quitting smoking. You’ll feel a lot better mentally and physically if you had a good night sleep.



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