Getting Ready for Your Quit Date: 7 Essential Tips

4 days to go and it’s 2014! It’s a brand new year – a fresh beginning. If you are reading this, it’s most likely that you or one of your loved ones is attempting to quit smoking comes January one. Perhaps at this very moment, you are very determined to drop the habit for good. Quitting smoking is among the most common New Year’s resolutions people make each year. Unfortunately, many smokers fail in their attempts to quit.

If you’re looking to quit on the first day of 2014, you might find the following tips and suggestions useful. They are going to guide you in your journey towards a cigarette-free life:


  • Mark your intended quit date on the calendar. Whether you encircle it or put a red big cross – putting a mark on your quit date will help you not forget this life-changing day. It also gives you a heads up on how many days are still left before you quit the habit.
  • Inform everyone else about your quit date. First tell your family and then your friends, workmates and associates, especially your smoking buddies so these people won’t encourage you anymore to light up. It’s also a way to make them ready to help you when you need them.
  • Write down your reasons. Make your own personal reasons why you want to stop smoking. You can print it and post it somewhere you see each day – your bathroom mirror, your door, beside your bed, in the living room, and so on. Be specific when making your quit smoking reasons. They will increase your motivation to ditch the habit for good.
  • Plan ahead. To quit smoking successfully, you want to plan ahead. Think of the coping mechanisms you can use when cigarette craving hits. Think of your smoking alternatives – things or habits that could replace smoking.
  • Do a dry run. Experiment by not smoking for one whole day to experience what it’s like and identify the emotions and sensations that you may encounter while quitting the habit.
  • Plan to reward yourself after you quit smoking. If you need to reward yourself every hour of the first day, do it. You deserve it anyway! Some people keep the money they would have spent on cigarettes and spend it on something else, like a movie ticket. Others just watch their money grow to buy something really special. Think of the things you want to do or buy in exchange for not smoking.
  • Think of what quit strategy to use. There are a variety of quit methods that can help you quit smoking easily. If you’re looking to use Chantix or Zyban, see your doctor first as these medications require prescriptions. Also, these quit smoking medicines need to be taken at least 10 or 12 days before your quit date.

This 2014, make it your goal to quit smoking for good. Include proper diet and physical activity as well for a healthy, thriving year! Happy New Year!



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