10 Ways to Lessen Weight Gain After You Quit Smoking this 2015

Statistics tells you that most smokers would gain weight after they quit cigarettes. On the average, a smoker can gain as much as 4 to 10 pounds. This can be attributed to the effects of nicotine to your metabolism. Nicotine is an appetite suppressant. So without nicotine, you suddenly feel hungrier. Also, some smokers would find eating as a coping mechanism. This means, weight gain is really not a direct effect of quitting. It still depends on your choice and lifestyle. So if you can work on it, weight gain is really not a problem this 2015.

Cutting The Habit But Gaining WeightLearn how to control your weight after you quit smoking this New Year with this 10 helpful tips.

Downsize your food servings. Try to pay more attention to the portion of your food servings. For instance, you can use a lunch-size plate than your usual dinner plate. Also, stopping every after one full plate would help halt your food craving.

Be conscious on what you eat. Read labels. Prioritize low fat and protein and fiber rich foods. Also check food labels for portion sizes.

Avoid temptations. Well, if it’s not in your house you won’t be tempted. Fill your cupboard and fridge with healthy food choices. So when you feel the urge for a snack you can easily reach for the right food. Say good bye to chips and oily foods.

Indulge your cravings for sweet at a café. Avoid stocking sweets in your fridge. Don’t let a gallon of ice cream fill your freezer shelf. Instead, you can go out and buy a scoop or two from the ice cream parlor. This safeguards you from consuming the whole gallon of ice cream.

Drink lots of water. If you feel that sudden urge for a snack, drink a full glass of water first. This helps you feel full so you won’t eat that much. Water also help kill the urge to smoke.

Don’t deprive yourself of a few treats. If you can keep your diet on the right portions you can still allow yourself to indulge for a few treats without harming your diet. This gives you a scoop of ice cream or a small pack of chips without worrying of that extra calorie.

Break your meals into smaller ones. Spread out your regular meals into smaller ones. This lessens your urge for snacks and boosts your metabolism as your body can easily break these small meals. Just keep your calorie intake on the right portion.

Spend a few minutes for exercise. A thirty-minute walk every day can help keep your weight on check, provided that you’re eating a balanced and healthy diet. Exercise also help improve your mood. The more you exercise, the more calories you burn and the more you’ll feel better.

Distract yourself. Avoid idle moments. Boredom is a number one eating and smoking trigger. Try to keep yourself busy. If you have nothing else to do, try to read books, or take your dog for a walk.

Find a good support group. Find someone to lean on. Quitting smoking is difficult and an extra hand is always helpful. Your family, friends, or significant other plays a very important role to your success. So you may want to tell your friends or family that you’re quitting, and ask for their support.

Smoking kills you, it plain and simple. Deal with your quit first and your weight later. Once you become more comfortable, you can concentrate on controlling or losing those extra weight.



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