Why Quitting Smoking is More Important than Weight Gain

Some smokers (mostly women) are quite hesitant to quit smoking because of weight gain. They are afraid that quitting would add a few lines on the weighing scale. And now, they are more hesitant as they become more aware of the negative effects of weight gain (or maybe they’re just trying to find more reasons not to quit, just maybe). But one good thing though, at least they are more aware of their health now.

Weight Gain After QuittingAnd if you’re among these smokers, who are hesitant to quit smoking because of the negative effects of weight gain, the more you have to read on, and learn that quitting smoking is far more important than gaining extra weight. And in fact, you can quit without gaining an extra pound.

On Weight Gain

If you’re anxious about that extra lines on the weighing scale after you quit smoking, you may want to consider these facts:

  • Keeping your weight on the normal range for your age and height, requires 80-100lb of extra weight before you reach the risk you have for smoking.
  • You only gain 5-10lb, on the average, after you quit smoking if you maintain your old eating habit or you can avoid weight gain by adapting a healthier lifestyle and eating healthier diet.
  • Losing the extra weight you put on while quitting will not be a problem after your body have adjusted to your new and healthier lifestyle.

On the Risk of Smoking

The risk of smoking outweighs the extra weight you put on.

  • Smoking is among the leading cause of death in the US and around the world. In the US alone almost half a million of Americans die each year because of smoking. Around the world, one dies every 8 seconds because of tobacco use. Tobacco smoke contains more than 4000 chemical compounds, inclusive of poisonous chemicals and known carcinogens. Studies on the negative effects of smoking to the human body continue to reveal more reasons not to smoke.
  • Smoking increases your risk of developing lung cancer. It is among the top causes of cancer deaths in the United States. Smoking also increases your risk of contracting cancer of the breasts, cervix, kidney, larynx, and esophagus.
  • Other health risks. Smoking increases your risks of COPD, stroke, heart disease, emphysema, periodontal disease, circulatory disorder, etc. Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, and low birth weight in babies. In males, smoking can cause low sperm count and even impotency.

Quitting smoking brings you closer to a healthier life and not the other way around. Don’t be taken aback by the changes you have to go through after you quit smoking. They are all but normal. Be realistic and take one step at a time. Instead of burning your energy thinking of gaining weight, focus your attention on quitting smoking first. Losing those extra weight will be more easily as you become more comfortable with your new life.

Former smokers become more positive about their health after they quit smoking. Once you have proved to yourself that it’s possible to quit smoking, you’ll be more confident to take on any challenge you set for yourself – including losing those added weights.



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