6 Steps in Creating a Quit Plan

You know you should quit. But you’re not just sure how to do it. To increase your chance of quitting smoking today successfully, the first thing you want to do is to create a quit plan. It will provide you with the necessary tools needed to overcome the challenges that come along with smoking cessation.

Quitting smoking is a challenge that can be won with proper preparation. When making a quit plan, here are the steps to follow:

Be certain of your decision to quit.

For sure, you have plenty of reasons to quit. Maybe you are scared about the health outcomes of smoking or you find cigarettes getting more expensive these days. But it is not enough that you have a reason. You also need to have strong willpower and motivation to eliminate cigarettes from your life. Be certain about your decision. Don’t just try to quit. DO IT NOW.

Pick a quit date.

Once you’re pretty sure that you want to quit, the next important step is to pick a quit date. It can be two weeks from now, or tomorrow – whenever you are prepared. Your quit date should not be too soon as you may not have enough time to prepare. The best time to stop smoking is generally after two weeks from the date you decided to quit.

Determine a quit strategy.

As early as today, you may want to start looking for the best smoking cessation method that you will use to successfully quit for good. Decide if you will be using medications, going cold turkey, or seeking help from a professional therapist. Research on the best quit smoking strategies so you will know the pros and cons of each one.  The internet can provide you with vast information you need to cope with the hurdles of quitting smoking.

Assess yourself as a smoker.

Determine what kind of smoker you are. There are several types of smokers – the social smoker, the bum, the chain smoker, the cautionary tale, the average Joe, and the rehabilitated. Knowing this will greatly help you determine the best way to quit. For example, if you are a chain smoker, taking medications may be a better option than quitting cold turkey.

Prepare a journal.

It can be helpful to make use of a journal to track your progress in quitting smoking. This way, you will know what your weaknesses are, especially your smoking triggers, and how to deal with them.

Make sure to have an alternate plan.

If your primary plan does not work, or the quit smoking strategy you used did not help you quit smoking, make sure to have a plan B, plan C, D, and so on. Don’t give up if you failed for a number of times. Relapse is normal. Just keep trying until you finally achieved your goal.

Quit smoking is easy if you have a plan. By following these steps, you can greatly increase your chance to stop smoking now.



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