9 Dietary and Lifestyle Tips when Trying to Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking can be a very difficult and in some way, frustrating process. As many of you know, cigarettes are addictive. Different people get addicted to smoking at any rate but for some, it only takes a few puffs to get hooked. Fortunately, a few tweaks in your lifestyle can help you quit smoking for good.

  1. Eat fruits and vegetables. Oranges, apples, nuts, plums, cherries and many other fruits and vegetables are loaded with essential enzymes and compounds that promote good health and speed up the repair of damaged cells and tissues caused by smoking. Not only that. Eating fruits and vegetables have also been found to reduce smoking cravings. Try this – nibble on carrots and pineapple before lighting up. You will notice a profound change on the taste of cigarette. It’ll start to takes bitter!
  2. Eat slowly. Many people tend to rush their meals to get their after-meal cigarette. The American Heart Association recommends that you eat slowly. After meal, get up and find something to do that will divert your attention from smoking. Avoid substituting cigarette for unhealthy desserts as this may cause you to gain additional weight. Maybe you can just drink tea or coffee, go for a walk, or brush your teeth.
  3. Go for healthy snacks. If you miss the feeling of having something in your mouth, consider chewing a sugar-free gum. You may also have sugar-free lollipops, a fruit, low-fat air-popped popcorn, plain Greek yogurt, etc.
  4. Drink more water. You need water to flush away the toxins from your body that you accumulated through smoking.
  5. Sweat it out. Exercise has amazing benefits to people who are trying to quit smoking. Studies show that physical activity improves mood which is needed to counter the psychological effects of quitting smoking, such as anxiety, irritability and depression. It also helps reduce your nicotine craving.
  6. Start small. Exercising can be difficult during the first few weeks of quitting smoking. If you’ve been smoking for a long time now, chances are your lungs have already incurred damage which may affect your breathing. So, start with simple exercises for 10-12 minutes daily a few times per week. Gradually increase your physical activity. The more you exercise, the more you will better.
  7.  Avoid your morning coffee. For many smokers, drinking coffee in the morning is best done with a cigarette. If you are like them, consider cutting back on coffee. You may replace coffee with green tea. It’s healthier and does not taste good with cigarettes.
  8. Stay away from fast food restaurants. Most fast foods are not healthy. They are prepared from frozen foods which no longer contain nutrients. Most of these foods are high in preservatives, food additives, salt and other unhealthy ingredients.
  9. Breathe some fresh air. Go to your garden or travel to somewhere where you can take in some fresh air. Feel the air entering your nose and your lungs. Breathe in and out deeply. And imagine yourself living a smoke-free life.



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