Life after Cigarettes: 7 Ways to Make Quitting a Less Stressful Journey

Are you afraid of quitting because you think that eliminating cigarettes from your life can cause you to feel stressed out and grumpy? Your concern may be unfounded, according to the researchers from Brown University. In their study, participants who successfully quit smoking reported feeling happier and having better moods and fewer symptoms of depression than those who never quit.

While many people turn to cigarettes to ward off anxiety and stress, Brown University researchers say that opposite effects are more likely to happen. They conclude that quitting smoking can absolutely boost your mood, especially in the long run.

This does not mean of course that once you throw those cigarettes away, you are already free from stress and Happy-celebrating-winning-succ-45658090other negative emotions. While the physical benefits of quitting can be felt almost immediately, it may take a little time for you to experience its benefits on your mental health, particularly on your mood and well-being. During the first days and weeks of quitting, you are more likely to feel grumpy, tired, anxious and unwell. Why? Because all your body wants is nicotine at the moment. But once your body get used to having no nicotine just like before, everything will become okay. Another thing, you are trying to ditch a habit that you’ve become so much used to. It’s like a part of your daily routine. So expect that quitting can be tough.

For now, try the following quit strategies to reduce the unwanted thoughts and emotions you may experience during the smoking cessation period:

1)  Talk to someone about your problem. Consider a professional counselor, your doctor, a friend or a family member. You may even want to join an online community for smokers who want to quit. You see, fresh insights really help.

2)   Get active. Exercise is good for you, especially during the quit process. Find a form of exercise that you enjoy and make it a part of your daily routine. Physical activity amps blood flow and works out your lungs, speeding up their recovery from the dangerous effects of smoking.

3)  Eat healthy. Many people ignore the importance of proper nutrition in smoking cessation. Quitting is not


According to researchers from Brown University participants who successfully quit smoking reported feeling happier and having better moods and fewer symptoms of depression than those who never quit.

just about ditching the habit. It also involves reclaiming your health. Eat right and limit your alcohol and caffeine intake.

4)  Find a substitute. Consider sipping tea or chewing a gum whenever you are tempted to smoke. For most people, eliminating a bad habit requires replacing it with a better one.

5)  Get enough sleep. Aim for 7-8 hours of full shut-eye each night. Sleeping replenishes your energy and protects you from giving in to stress.

6)  Take it one at a time. Learn to prioritize goals. Avoid dealing with major issues in your life altogether, at least from the time being. If you’re planning to quit, you don’t want to be carrying excess baggage that could add to your stress.

7)  Get help. Know what quit strategies are available for you. There are treatments that can reduce your nicotine craving, making the quit process so much easier.

Some stressful situations can be ignored and dealt with later, but some are not. How you react to your stressors is essential to your quit smoking success. Hope these tips have given you ideas for a less stressful quit smoking journey.



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