Non-Nicotine Stop Smoking Pill Chantix and How It Works

Unlike traditional NRTs, Chantix doesn’t contain nicotine. So how does it work? Let’s find out.

Inside the smoker’s brain there lie nicotine receptors. When a person smokes, nicotine attaches to these receptors, triggering the part of the brain that releases dopamine – the so called ‘feel good’ hormone. Dopamine gives a person pleasurable feelings but these don’t last long. After several minutes or hours, the body craves for nicotine again, and a viscous cycle begins.

chantix tabletsStop smoking pill Chantix works by targeting nicotine receptors in the brain so they don’t attach with nicotine when a person lights up. By activating the said receptors, Chantix causes dopamine release, and acts like nicotine, preventing withdrawal.

This results to a significant decline in the pleasurable feelings experienced by a smoker whenever he or she lights up. Clinical trials conducted on this drug have shown that taking Chantix can be an effective strategy to stop smoking.

Stop smoking pill Chantix is a prescription medication and should be taken under the supervision of a health professional. Smokers need not stop smoking cigarettes immediately while taking Chantix.

To increase chances of success, they are also encouraged to undergo quit-smoking support program.


While Chantix is a good quit smoking pill, it is not for everyone. People who are under 18 and pregnant women are not allowed to take Chantix. Furthermore, those who are undergoing treatments or have serious health condition should first talk to their doctor before deciding to use the drug.

Drug Information and Dosage

Chantix comes in two pills – the white and the blue. In the first week of CHANTIX, white pills are taken. During the first three days, the while pill is taken (one per day), and on the 4th to 7th day, two white pills are taken (one in the morning and another in the afternoon). During weeks 2-12, the blue pills are taken, one in the morning and one in the evening.

Safety Information

While Chantix is a good quit smoking pill, it is not for everyone. People who are under 18 and pregnant women are not allowed to take Chantix. Furthermore, those who are undergoing treatments or have serious health condition should first talk to their doctor before deciding to use the drug.

And just like all medications, Chantix may come with unwanted side effects. Some people report changes in behavior while taking the pill. Others develop them after several weeks of treatment. While there are claims that Chantix could cause symptoms of depression and suicidal behaviors, there is no scientific study that proves this. Nevertheless, anyone who experiences the debilitating side effects of Chantix should stop using the drug immediately and talk to their doctor.



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