Quit Smoking as Your New Year’s Resolution: 10 Tips to Stick to it this Time

The New Year gives many people a great opportunity to improve their lives. At every start of the year, thousands of people make commitments to create positive changes. One of which is to never smoke again. But unfortunately, only a few are able to achieve such New Year’s resolution.

If you’re planning to start 2013 without a cigarette in your hand, here are some tips for you:

 1.  Know your intentions.

If you focus on results, you are less likely to succeed in quitting smoking today and for the rest of your life. Instead, focus on your intentions – the reasons why you want to stop smoking. Determining your intentions is similar to identifying your motivation. And when you’re motivated, you can quit smoking now without any difficulty.

 2.  Use a quit journal.

The start of the year is the time you would have to begin your commitment to quit smoking for good. Invest on a good notebook where you can write all your feelings, worries, and other concerns about smoking. When you have a journal, you can easily pinpoint the things that make it hard for you to quit and devise the perfect solution for them. Create a timeline too. This way, you can track your progress.

 3.  Don’t stress yourself too much.

When you’re exhausted and worn out, cigarette cravings become less tolerable. Make sure you have at least 7-8 hours of shut-eye every night. Take a nap during the day to recharge your batteries. If you have sleeping problems during smoking cessation, consider performing light physical exercise such as walking before going to sleep.

 4.  Know everything you can about quitting smoking.

Be a sponge and absorb every piece of information you can. Read about the dangers of smoking as well as the best methods to quit. Being informed will strengthen your willpower and enthusiasm in quitting smoking for good.

 5.  Don’t be afraid of the withdrawal period.

Experiencing cravings, headaches, fatigue, anxiety and other withdrawal symptoms only mean that your body is healing itself. So don’t be afraid of them. Just stay optimistic. Remember this: the withdrawal period isn’t going to stay for long. Every day, you will get better.

 6.  Be patient.

Don’t expect that you can give up the habit you’ve built for years in a snap. Just as Rome wasn’t built in one day, quitting smoking can’t be done in a day either. Be patient. Never let go of your enthusiasm. As long as you keep yourself focused on your goal, you can quit smoking for good.

 7.  Eat healthy.

You can help your body recuperate from the dangers of smoking by observing healthy diet. Eat plenty of antioxidant-rich foods to flush away the harmful compounds your body accumulated from smoking.

 8.  Find a shoulder to lean on.

Among the hardest quit smoking side effects you may encounter are anxiety and depression. But if you have a shoulder to lean on, you can definitely get through them. Tell your spouse, partner, child, close friends and relatives of your intention to quit smoking this year. They can be the best source of support when you think you are not going to make it.

 9.  Look at quitting smoking as a priceless New Year’s gift.

Don’t ever think that quitting smoking is a sacrifice. It isn’t. As a matter of fact, it is a gift that you will cherish for the rest of your life. Don’t think you will have to give up something. Actually, you are doing yourself a favor if you will stop smoking now!

 10.  Treat yourself.

Recognize all your efforts and celebrate every day that you are not smoking. Whether it’s a visit to the spa or a pat on your shoulder, appreciating your quit smoking efforts will definitely make things easier.



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