Study Suggests A “Clear Link” Between Smoking and Prostate Cancer

New research warned smokers of the increased risk of dying from cancer of the prostate even after quitting. Smokers who continued smoking after being diagnosed of prostate cancer are more likely not to survive treatment. And even those who quit still carries the risks for the next 10 years.

Prostate Cancer Diagnosis. Medical Concept.Smoking tobacco is a known risk factor for different forms of cancer. However, previous studies were in contradictory when it comes to the connection between prostate cancer and smoking.

But a new study from MedUni Vienna and Basle University Hospital published in the journal of European Urology, claimed to have discovered a “clear link”.

The research studied the data from 6 international cancer research facilities involving more than 7,000 patients, who undergone prostate gland removal (radical prostatectomy) between the years 2000 – 2011.

Patients did not received chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, or preoperative radiotherapy. And patients whose disease had spread were not included in the study.

The research discovered that smokers and former smokers who have undergone prostate removal shared the same risk of the disease reoccurrence. The findings highlight the importance of telling the cancer patients of what smoking does to their condition.

For former smokers, the negative effect of smoking and the advanced risk of prostate cancer recurring – remains for the next ten years after quitting. But researchers see quitting as a big help to improve the overall health of the patient. Even contrary to the result of the study, quitting smoking still make sense even if the patient is already suffering from the disease.

While the link between the development of prostate cancer and smoking is still unclear and requires more scientific support, and more research is needed to produce adequate answers, the study did prove is that smoking increases the risk of dying from the disease as supported by previous studies from the Harvard School of Public Health and University of California.

Numerous studies have long warned the public of the negative effects of smoking. The latest findings only confirms the long settled fact – smoking is harmful to your health. While quitting smoking greatly improves your overall health, it is not however an assurance that you can totally avoid the effects and consequences of smoking. While it lessens the risks, quitting does not put you in a clean slate – the threat still exists.

Still, “prevention is better than cure”. If you’re a smoker now, quitting is still your best option, and influencing and convincing others to quit or not to smoke at all is your best contribution.



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