7 Best Ways to Quit Smoking

Despite the intense efforts to reduce smoking rates in America over the past two decades, tobacco use remains to be one of the major public health concerns. It is still the leading cause of lung cancer and a major risk factor for heart disease, diabetes and many other life-threatening diseases.

5 Best Smoking Cessation Aids

“Quitting cold turkey” is a term which refers to the manner of quitting smoking without the help of smoking cessation aids of any kind. One of the best advantages of this smoking cessation method is that more nicotine is flushed out from the body within just a few days. However, the discomforts can be so […]

Best Ways to Quit Smoking: 5 Tips for Pregnant Women

Women who are planning to get pregnant and those who are in the childbearing age should avoid smoking. Cigarette smoking does not only harm their health but also the health of their child. For those who are already pregnant, quitting smoking today is more than necessary. Unfortunately, some quit smoking aids are not appropriate for […]