5 People to Help You Quit

Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and a major risk factor for many other diseases, including heart attack and diabetes. Because of the severe effects of smoking to health, more and more people are deciding to quit each day. The problem however is that only a small percentage of smokers succeed to […]

7 Methods to Stop Smoking that are Worth Giving a Try

Quitting smoking can be a difficult challenge, unless you make use of a proven strategy. It’s good to know that there are numerous quit smoking methods that you can try to increase your success rate. Let’s talk about the seven best ways to quit.

8 Natural Ways to Quit Smoking

If quitting is easy, then smokers wouldn’t still be lighting a cigarette. Quitting smoking is tough. While there are different types of smoking cessation products in the market – from nicotine gums to pills, there are also natural ways to quit smoking now.

5 Great Quit Smoking Aids

First of all, you should give yourself a hard pat on the shoulder and congratulate yourself for choosing to quit smoking now. It is probably one of the best decisions you’ve made in your life. While quitting smoking can be a bit challenging, both science and nature have given us access to some of the […]

The 5 Stages of Smoking Cessation

Smoking cessation is a complex process that involves a number of stages – pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance.

Top 10 FAQs when Quitting Smoking

Are you a smoker trying to quit? Lack of information can hinder you from achieving your goal. So before you proceed with smoking cessation, you might want to take a few minutes learning more about it. These are the most frequently asked questions about quitting smoking:

Smoking Cessation: 6 Smart Tips for Diabetic People

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions of people around the world. It is a condition wherein the pancreas does not produce enough insulin and the blood sugar levels are unmanageable. According to the American Diabetes Association, people who smoke are more likely to develop diabetes.

Smoking Cessation Checklist: 5 Important Things to Prepare Before Quitting

  Quitting smoking can be a tough undertaking. But if you are well-prepared, you have a very high chance of beating the odds and succeeding. Just like taking a math examination. You can be clueless of how to solve a certain problem but if you invest time preparing for it, you are sure to score […]

5 Self-Help Pointers to Quit Smoking

It is true that quitting a habit is really hard especially if it has been going on for a long time. However there will never be any better help you can get but that which that comes from yourself. Your family and loved ones are a great support, friends and other people’s experiences and advices […]

10 Steps to Help your Parents Quit Smoking Today

Our parents are usually the ones who ought to tell us what to do and what not to do. But what if one of your parents (or both of them) smokes? If you are concerned about their health, you could go pass the boundaries and tell them to stop smoking now.