Top 5 Quit-Friendly States

Where you live affects your chances of quitting Your determination, plus many other factors play a big role in your quit smoking success. These include your support system, the type of treatment or quit strategy you use, and your access to smoking cessation resources. Even where you live can either ease or hurt your chances […]

5 Diet Tips to Help You Quit Smoking

There are many ways to help you quit smoking, such as nicotine patches, prescription medication and more. But, only few people know that one of the most effective ways can be found inside their home. It’s healthy food!

Many Smokers Think about Quitting on Mondays, Research Finds

(And 5 Tips to Get Started) Is there such thing as “the best day to quit”? If you would ask 10 smokers to choose which among the days of the week they prefer to begin quitting smoking, majority of them are likely to say it’s Monday. That’s according to a new study which found that […]

Top 7 Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms and What to Do with Them

Not all smokers are going to experience symptoms of nicotine withdrawal once they quit. But most do. If you are one of them, the best thing you can do is to prepare. Let’s talk about the most common withdrawal symptoms and what you can do to get rid of them.

‘Great American Smokeout’ to Kick Butts Tomorrow (5 Quit Tips from the Experts)

Each year, smokers throughout the nation who think about ditching their unhealthy habit join the ‘Great American Smokeout’. Many of them choose this day as their quit smoking date, with hope of becoming cigarette-free for the rest of their lives. This annual activity is spearheaded by the American Cancer Society, and is held every third […]

Quitting Smoking – The 5 Stages of Quitting

Thousands of people attempt to quit smoking every day. Unfortunately, only a small number are able to make it. Getting rid of a negative behavior takes time, will and determination. Sometimes, it’s going to take you several tries before you finally quit smoking for good. However, by knowing the 5 critical stages of quitting, you […]

5 Things to Avoid Once You Quit Smoking

So you’ve finally decided to quit. Congrats! You are now at the ‘determination’ stage of quitting smoking – the part where you are more than committed to take action and change your negative behavior for the better. But the game is not yet over. In fact, it just started.

8 Steps to Follow When Making an Action Plan to Quit Smoking

One of the keys to quit smoking success is preparation. If you’re thinking about ditching the habit, you may benefit from creating an action plan. A quit plan keeps you more focused on your goal and helps you deal with the challenges that come your way. It also improves your chances of quitting smoking for […]

3 Shocking Facts about Smoking and Colorectal Surgery Risks

You probably know that smoking increases your risk of heart disease, cancer and other chronic health problems. But did you know that it can also increase your likelihood of experiencing severe complications after a surgery, particularly after a colorectal procedure?

Quit Smoking Today: 5 Ways to Reduce Symptoms of Withdrawal

Like cocaine and heroin, tobacco is very addictive. And once you get hooked, it’s hard to quit. Quitting smoking is not something you do overnight or something that is pleasurable. It often involves troublesome symptoms which include headache, depression, dizziness, insomnia, and irritability. These symptoms would usually last all throughout the treatment and normally reach […]