The Best Quit Smoking Method

If you tried to quit smoking on your own then you are twice as likely to succeed than if you tried to using a quit smoking program. Those who are trying to sell you their latest quit smoking widget/tape/DVD/etc. aren’t going to admit this fact. But it is true. How do I know this? From […]

Quitting is Only Possible if You Want It

Quitting smoking is not easy we can all agree. But quitting smoking is not as hard as you may think either. The most important ingredient to become an ex-smoker is …really wanting it. It may sound like a cliché but you can’t force someone to do something that they do not want to do. But […]

Two Questions About Quitting Smoking

If you could travel in time ….What Would You Say To Yourself The Day You Picked-up Your First Smoke? A reader gives a great answer to this question. I would tell myself, “Hey you, little girl! What in the hell are you thinking?” I would continue…”Sticking that cancer stick is NOT going to make you […]

Quit Smoking – Just Do It

Have you been thinking about quitting? Well good for you-you have already begun the quitting process. I say “process” because giving up cigarettes is sometimes more than something you “just do” using willpower. You need to know why you want to do it, set a quit date, quit, BE HAPPY and maintain a smoke-free life. […]

5 Must of Quitting Smoking

Are you the type of person who craves a cigarette immediately after you say you are going to quit? Are the scenes of your life tied together with smoke breaks? Is it hard for you to imagine a life free from tobacco? If you manage to quit for a time do you frequently look back […]

10 Headache Remedies While Quitting Smoking

Headaches are notoriously difficult to treat because no single treatment works for all of them. Quitters are often plague with headaches while trying to quit smoking. The following are useful remedies to help eliminate this pesky problem: 1) Over the counter medications work.. Visit your local pharmacy and you will find shelves full of headache […]

Is Your Wife a Smoker? 5 Ways to Help Her

If your wife suddenly started smoking, you have many reasons to feel concerned. First of all, smoking can greatly put your wife’s health at risk of various diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Next, it can affect her mental health. Tobacco use has been known to produce negative changes in the brain which leads […]

7 Things You Shouldn’t Say to Someone Trying to Quit

Quitting smoking may not be a challenge for you but it can be for others. Being supportive is the best thing you can do for anyone who is trying to quit – whether it’s his first, second, fourth, or tenth time. You don’t want to spoil his efforts by saying these things:

Quit Smoking For Good

Jane Brody writes and excellent article on quitting smoking for good. Just what the doctor ordered. It is a balanced discussion about the facts of quitting smoking. I especially enjoyed reading her explanation of what smokers describe as the relaxation provided by smoking. This is a lie, because stress is really caused by the nicotine […]

The Way Smoking Affects Your Sleep

The respiratory and cardiovascular effects of smoking are very much known to the public. However, smoking also has an adverse effect on your sleep. Smoking is not only linked to lack of sleep, but it as well affects your sleeping pattern. This is the reason why you still feel tired even though you slept the […]