10 Steps to Quitting Smoking

Some smokers are more likely to see quitting as a huge obstacle. However, it will be more realistic, more helpful to see it as a continuing, step-by-step journey. Here’s how you can plan your quit program and what to anticipate as you go along the way.

I need to Quit Smoking But I’m Not Ready Yet, What Will I Do?

5 Steps to Follow Anyone who’s concerned about you will advice you one thing over and over again – quit smoking now. Friends and family can really put a lot of pressure on you. But if you don’t want to, quitting smoking can be tremendously difficult.

10 Steps to Help your Parents Quit Smoking Today

Our parents are usually the ones who ought to tell us what to do and what not to do. But what if one of your parents (or both of them) smokes? If you are concerned about their health, you could go pass the boundaries and tell them to stop smoking now.