[widget id=”ad_unit-10″]Ad Widget: GA 160×90 LU[/widget]Don’t you think that it is about time you quit smoking? Or have you already quit several times? The purpose of this blog is to assist you in quitting forever, without the urge to start up again. In just one week after starting to quit smoking, you can be free […]

Speaking About Smoking to Youth in Canada

by: News Canada Did you know that the average age by which youth begin to experiment with tobacco is 12 years old? Did you know that these children can show signs of addiction within days of smoking only one cigarette, and that cigarette smoking is harder to quit than heroin or cocaine? These are frightening […]

7 Proven Ways to Resist the Urge to Smoke

by: Arina Nikitina When you decide to stop smoking the most difficult part is to resist the urges. It doesn’t matter that each craving lasts only 3-5 minutes. It’s still the whole 5 minutes to battle with your willpower! These 7 tips will help you to resist the urge to smoke one urge at a […]

Quit Smoking – Chantix Side Effect and Constipation

[widget id=”ad_unit-10″]ad_unit-10[/widget]Chantix is a new drug developed by Pfizer to help people quit smoking. It works by mimicking the nicotine effect on the brain and by so doing eliminating the craving to smoke. One side effect of taking for Chantix is constipation. So make sure you eat plenty of fiber and drink lots of water […]


IF you smoke: You will be twelve times more likely to die from lung cancer. You will be ten times more likely to die from some form of lung disease. You will be ten times more likely to die from cancer of the larynx. You will be six times more likely to die of heart […]