How Secondhand Smoke is Harmful to Your Child?

Smoking is known as the most preventable cause of death in the U.S. Here are a few facts about smoking which all parents must know. The above-mentioned fact means that several people who die because of smoking related diseases could probably live a longer life if they never smoked.

“Secondhand smoke” contains various carcinogenic substances. But we are not going to talk about any of them in this post. We are going to focus on a compound called carboxyhemoglobin. Carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) is a chemical compound formed from carbon monoxide (CO) and hemoglobin (the oxygen delivery molecule in the blood) that forms in red blood cells when carbon monoxide is inhaled or produced in normal metabolism. Large quantities of COHb negatively affects the delivery of oxygen to the body.

Studies have reported that in poor ventilation conditions tobacco smoke exposure to a room for only one hour, would cause any child in the room to raise carboxyhemoglobin level in their blood from average 1.6% to 2.6%. This roughly equivalent to absorbing all of the tar content in a cigarette. It is as if your children were smoking too. Even for a short time breathing “secondhand smoke” will adversely effect a child’s cardiovascular system, thereby increasing their risk of heart disease in the future.

Children who live with smokers experience secondhand smoke every day, even when the smoker takes their habit outside. Smoking outside the residence will slow up the overall exposure for the children, but it doesn't eliminate it entirely.

Children who live with smokers experience secondhand smoke every day, even when the smoker takes their habit outside. Smoking outside the residence will slow up the overall exposure for the children, but it doesn’t eliminate it entirely. Secondhand smoke remains on the carpet, curtain, clothing, food, furniture and other items, and keeps for weeks or even months, even if the window in the room is open or if there is an indoor air filter.

Ventilation systems often pull air externally or from different areas. This means that secondhand smoke can reaches the lungs of children and other adults while they are unaware that they are breathing contaminated air. Secondhand smoke is a fact and children are exposed to in four different places: public places, at home and in the car. Secondhand smoke is extremely serious business and a substantial health risk for everybody exposed.

Smoking is known to damage crucial organs in the body: the brain, heart and lungs. It is best if you did not smoke at all but especially don’t smoke near children in order to prevent them from being harmed. Quit smoking for your own good as well as for preventing harm to your children.



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