5 Self-Help Strategies to Stay Quit Even During the Tough Days

While there is no scientific evidence linking smoking and stress, many people believe that smoking can help them calm down. If you’re one of the thousands if not millions of people who have developed nicotine dependence because you resort to cigarettes when you are stressed, you must know this sad truth: smoking can never ease […]

4 Tips to Quit Smoking for Good after a Relapse

You were doing great avoiding cigarettes until one day you light up. Well, this happens to most smokers trying to quit. In fact, 6 out of 10 smokers fail to quit on their first try, and have to try several more times before they could successfully quit smoking.

What If You Slip? 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

Studies show that it takes 7 years for an average smoker to forever quit the habit. So if you slip during your first try, don’t feel bad. You still have 6 years – just kidding. Just like everyone else, you feel the strong desire to forget about smoking but for reasons you can’t figure out, […]

Smoking Relapse: 5 Attitudes that Lead to Lighting-Up the Cigarettes Again

Majority of smokers who want to quit (in some point) always have thought of lighting just one cigarette. Staying smoke free involves learning and expecting the things you have to go through as you battle with nicotine withdrawal. Preventing a relapse may take more than just courage and careful planning. You may also need to […]