Smoking & Heart Disease: Understanding the Link

Heart disease is the world’s biggest killer. Despite the huge improvement in the field of medicine, cardiovascular diseases remain to be a serious public health concern because of the high mortality risk. More research is still needed to come up with a magic bullet drug that can reverse heart problems and lower the risk of […]

Tobacco-Related Cancer: 9 Facts You May Still Don’t Know

Smoking has been widely linked to cancer, especially lung cancer. But did you know there are many other cancers that are associated with tobacco use? Now, if you smoke, how high is your risk of cancer? Can it be reversed if you quit? The following facts may surprise and scare you.

4 Facts Studies Show about Smoking and Cancer Risk

The link between smoking and cancer risk has been well-studied. Smoking remains to be the single most avoidable risk factor for cancer, and for the past 50 years, this addictive habit has killed about 6.5 million people already.

Two Questions About Quitting Smoking

If you could travel in time ….What Would You Say To Yourself The Day You Picked-up Your First Smoke? A reader gives a great answer to this question. I would tell myself, “Hey you, little girl! What in the hell are you thinking?” I would continue…”Sticking that cancer stick is NOT going to make you […]

Top 10 Things That Happen To Your Lungs after Quitting Smoking

[widget id=”ad_unit-16″]ad_unit-16[/widget][widget id=”ad_unit-13″]ad_unit-13[/widget]When you smoke, the first organ-system that is most severely affected is your respiratory system and particularly your lungs. Every time you smoke, your lungs become black with tar. Studies show that after 3 years of continuous smoking, you increase your risk of lung cancer by 99.9%! The good news is that…Well, it […]

Imagine A Life Without Cigarettes

[widget id=”text-41″]text-41[/widget]Are you listening to the conversation inside your head? * “I’m tired of the smell on my fingers, on my breath, and on my clothes.” * “I’m coughing a lot. I don’t want to get bronchitis.Or worse…” * “My (significant other) is unhappy with my smoking—not just for me, but because of the risk […]

Quit Smoking For Good

[widget id=”ad_unit-10″]ad_unit-10[/widget]If you sincerely want to quit then the importance of knowing why you are quitting and what you want out of life is crucial. For some people this process may be easy-for others it will require some thought. Here are you have some ideas to help you find out what you want to do. […]

Cigarette Maker Agrees That Their Product is Lethal

[widget id=”ad_unit-10″]ad_unit-10[/widget]”Philip Morris USA agrees with the overwhelming medical and scientific consensus that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema and other serious diseases in smokers. Smokers are far more likely to develop serious diseases, like lung cancer, than non-smokers. There is no safe cigarette.” -From Phillip Morris USA From the National Cancer Institute: […]

Quit Smoking And Avoid Cancers

Cancer is the most common disease associated with smoking. Smoking is the cause of 90% of lung cancer cases and is related to 30% of all cancer fatalities. Other smoking-related cancers include cancers of the mouth, cancers of the pancreas, cancers of the urinary bladder, cancers of the kidney, cancers of the stomach, cancers of […]


IF you smoke: You will be twelve times more likely to die from lung cancer. You will be ten times more likely to die from some form of lung disease. You will be ten times more likely to die from cancer of the larynx. You will be six times more likely to die of heart […]