Top 10 Facts About Smokeless Tobacco

Smokeless tobacco also known as spit tobacco, chew, snuff, pinch or dip is popular among teenagers. Most people think that it is safer than smoking and is a safe substitute for smoking cigarettes. Many factors can drive young people to use smokeless tobacco, which may include peer pressure, local lifestyle and fashion, general attitudes towards […]

Top 10 Things You Shouldn’t Do If You Want Someone to Give Up Smoking

If you want someone to quit smoking for good, it is best that you are knowledgeable of the things that can help them and those that will not. Knowing what doesn’t help will save you much effort and time. Don’t forget, you may hate smoking as much as you can, but for those who are […]

Immediate rewards of quitting smoking

Aside from reducing your risks to many diseases such as coronary heart disease, diabetes and atherosclerosis, quitting smoking also offers some benefits that you’ll notice right away or after some time. Improvement in your day to day life  If you quit smoking: Your breath will smell better Your stained teeth will get whiter Bad smelling […]

How to deal with nicotine withdrawal

Withdrawal symptoms are experienced by the smoker if he/she cuts back or quits smoking due to the lack of nicotine in the body. If you are trying quit and are experiencing withdrawal symptoms, here are some ways you can deal with the withdrawal symptoms: Irritability and anxiety In the first few weeks of quitting, you many […]

Understanding nicotine withdrawal

One of the reasons why smokers often fail in quitting is because of the unpleasant withdrawal symptoms that a smoker experiences the moment he/she stops smoking. If you want to succeed in quitting smoking, you must anticipate and understand the withdrawal symptoms so you can prepare yourself and plan ahead on what you can do […]

10 reasons you should quit smoking NOW!

Quitting smoking now will: 1. Reduce your risk for stroke and heart attack or if you have experienced a heart attack, quitting now will reduce your risk of experiencing a 2nd attack. Smoking causes coronary heart disease. It also causes the build up of plaque clogs which results in the narrowing and hardening of your […]

Say Goodbye to Smoking once and for all

IF you are someone who is trying to quit or someone who has already quit but is having trouble staying quit, here are some steps you can do to succeed in quitting: • Identify and list the situations that urge you to smoke Is it the stress (emotional and/or physical) that makes you light up […]

Smokers everything will end on 12-21-2012

Open letter to smokers, If you knew that everything was going to end in less than one year. Would you even waste 5 minutes smoking? This is a real question. If you are a smoker I am really wanting to know your response. If you know you only had a year to live would you […]

Smoking After Tonsillectomy – Smoking And The Rate Of Post-Tonsillectomy Hemorrhage

[widget id=”ad_unit-13″]ad_unit-13[/widget]How soon after tonsillectomy, is it safe to smoke? Never actually. Did you really expect a different answer from me? Would you be surprised to know that a group of doctors (with too much time on their hands) at Madigan Army Medical Center looked back into the charts of 1,036 patients who had undergone […]

Are Electronic Cigarettes The Answer?

What about cigarette substitutes such as the electronic cigarettes? The argument is that they are not as harmful as cigarettes, therefore safer. And in some states cheaper than smoking. I would agree except for one thing. Nobody needs to smoke. Smoking is not a necessary function like eating, breathing and exercising. If you never took […]