Embracing Pleasure to Be a Non-Smoker

[widget id=”ad_unit-10″]ad_unit-10[/widget]20 Ways to Reward Yourself for Quitting Smoking: 1. Have a power nap 2. Take a day off 3. Read a novel 4. Have a bubble bath 5. Telephone someone you haven’t talked to for a while 6. Enjoy your hobby 7. Spend time in the garden 8. Enjoy a favorite food 9. Go […]

Are You A Frustrated Smoker?

Are you frustrated? Do you feel like now matter how much you try to quit you are powerless to do it? The good news is that you are not alone.There is help available. But first things first. Who am I? And why should you trust me? Those are fair questions. My name is Antonio Howell […]

Smoking does NOT treat disease.

Smoking is a disease creating habit. More and more diseases are added everyday. The latest is anxiety disorders. There is the common assumption that for smokers the act of smoking relieves anxiety. When actually the opposite is true, smoking is a risk factor for severe anxiety.[1] Smoking is an independent risk factor for severe anxiety. […]

“I tried quitting smoking before and FAILED” So What Get Up and Try It Again.

“I tried quitting smoking before and started smoking again.” Is this what you are thinking right now? If the answer is yes repeat after me: SO WHAT??. Don’t let what happened in your past stop you from moving forward in your future. Many smokers try to quit several times before they finally succeed. Approach your […]

Weight gain, Chantix and You

A common concern you may have about using Chantix (varenicline tartrate) is the potential for weight gain.[widget id=”ad_unit-10″]ad_unit-10[/widget] Did you know that Chantix is in fact associated with weight gain and increased appetite? On average people who take Chantix gain about 2.37 kg (or 5.31 pounds). Nevertheless, one could argue that the amount of weight […]

Quitting Smoking, Frienships and Sisyphus

Are you familiar with the mythology of Sisyphus? Sisyphus is greek mythology figure cursed with the task of rolling a rock up a hill over and over again. Because just as Sisyphus reaches the top of the hill the rock rolls back down again forcing him to start all over again. Well to many people […]

Posted by mizdivaca Friday, December 28, 2007 9:05 PM

mizdivaca wrote: I just found your blog and you have some really interesting articles on it. I posted a comment but it did not go through so I though I would e-mail you my question. I have been on Chantix for two months and have been successful in quitting smoking. Have people had any problems […]

How Do You Say Goodbye To 443,000 People?

What is second hand smoke? It is the smoke exhaled by the smoker’s every time he puffs on the cigarette and exhales. It is also the side stream smoke that comes from the burning tip of the cigarette. There are over 4,000 individual compounds in secondhand smoke and 200 these are known to be poisonous, and […]

Why Tobacco Could Cost You Millions – A Story of Two Girls And A Buerger

Could you be the next Kimbra Hickey? Kimbra Hickey is a forty something year old hand model. Her hands are on the book cover of the Twilight book by Stephenie Meyer. Kimbra was paid $150/hr for her shoot. Not bad considering that Kimbra Hickey is just breaking into this acting/modeling world. Maybe you could be […]

Quit Smoking with Zyban (bupropion)

There are other medications for quitting smoking such as Zyban (bupropion). As KEITH Briggs will tell you Zyban is also effective in helping smokers quit smoking. [widget id=”related_widget-1256023952″]Related Widget[/widget]