A Peek into a Smoker’s Physique

Do you know that smoking can actually makes a person looks unexpectedly older than his/her actual age? Comparing two persons of the same age, the other one smokes, and the other one doesn’t, there is clarity on distinguishing who smokes and who doesn’t just by looking at their physical attributes.

8 Signs You Are Likely to Succeed in Quitting Smoking

You’ve finally decided to quit. Congrats! But how do you know that you are going to succeed? Here are the top signs. You get yourself educated. There is no better motivation and planning you can have without educating yourself as to why and how. Information is necessary to start the quitting plan. Know why you […]

Second Hand Smoke: What’s the Real Deal?

Everyone knows how smoking is bad for the health of the person who smokes, and also the people around the smoker, or what we called second hand smokers. Second hand smokers are those individuals who don’t smoke but are living with someone who smokes, or associated with somebody who smokes. Like what is mentioned, it […]

The Challenge of Helping Someone Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is a very big challenge. A lot of smokers can say they want to quit and are aware of how risky it is to their health and also to their love ones but cannot really commit to quit smoking. The struggle is on because quitting smoking is not as simple as getting rid […]

Things to Consider Before You Try To Smoke for the First Time

We all know how harmful smoking is. How much it affects everyone who gets exposed to it. In spite of the constant reminders from the government on how dangerous it is, regardless how expensive it gets, the number of smokers keeps of increasing each year.

21 Days of Breaking the Habit of Smoking

According to research, it takes 21 days to create a habit or break one. We all know how bad smoking is, how it affects the first hand smoker and the second hand smoker, so deciding whether to quit or not is not really about dealing with convincing oneself on quitting but dealing with temptations on […]

Why Quitting Smoking is Hard

Many people know that smoking is not good for the body, but still they keep smoking. Smokers would say that smoking can relieve stress, depression or anxiety but it is the other way around. Smoking can make your life more miserable, why? The answer is simple: You will waste your money on buying cigarettes and […]

5 Tips to Stay Cigarette-Free this Holiday Season

It’s Holiday season again. It’s the time of the year that you get to spend more quality time with friends and family. And for some, this means parties and drinking sprees. But what if you just quit smoking or just started with your smoking cessation program?

E-cigarettes and Your Health

E-cigarettes are devices that emits aerosol or vapor that contains nicotine and other substances. Unlike conventional cigarettes, these devices are battery-operated and are designed to heat “e-liquid” from a cartridge, creating a vapor. E-liquid is created by extracting nicotine from tobacco and mixed with propylene glycol as its base. Flavorings, colorings and other potentially harmful […]