
Chantix works by reducing the smoker’s craving for nicotine by binding to receptors in the brain and reducing the symptoms of withdrawal. Chantix (varenicline) also reduces the satisfaction a smoker receives when smoking a cigarette.

8 Signs You Are Likely to Succeed in Quitting Smoking

You’ve finally decided to quit. Congrats! But how do you know that you are going to succeed? Here are the top signs. You get yourself educated. There is no better motivation and planning you can have without educating yourself as to why and how. Information is necessary to start the quitting plan. Know why you […]

21 Days of Breaking the Habit of Smoking

According to research, it takes 21 days to create a habit or break one. We all know how bad smoking is, how it affects the first hand smoker and the second hand smoker, so deciding whether to quit or not is not really about dealing with convincing oneself on quitting but dealing with temptations on […]

Dos and Don’ts When Helping Someone Quit Smoking

You’ve been waiting for this, and finally he decided to quit smoking. Now he’s ready, and you’re wondering what you can do to make it easier for him to quit smoking for good. Read on and learn the Dos and Don’ts when helping someone quit smoking.

7 Scientific Ways to Quit

Smoking is very dangerous to your health and quitting is the most difficult thing to do. Once you are engaged with cigarette smoking the cravings of nicotine can often go beyond your control.

Are You a Teen Smoker? Here are 5 Good Reasons to Quit

Being a teenager is a time where young adults attempt to learn and discover who they are. This is quite a stressful stage because one is still trying to establish his or her identity, find a crowd or group to belong, and practice some independence. And along the way, teenagers make good and bad decisions […]

Lifestyle Changes to Keep You Quit

Healthy choices can actually help you feel better. This means less stress and cravings, and staying quit. Below are some healthy lifestyle changes you can make to help keep you quit for good:

5 Fun & Helpful Activities When Dealing with a Crowd of Smokers

The first few days and weeks of quitting smoking are often the hardest to deal with. But once you have completely eliminated nicotine from your system, you begin to realise that you don’t need cigarettes in your life. However, it is also a fact that more people choose not to quit the habit and seeing […]

10 Steps to Help You Quit Smoking When You Don’t Want to

If you’re quitting because you’re friends or family are pressuring you, and you really don’t want to – better not do it. Chances are, even if you manage to quit, you’ll find yourself aggressively looking for excuses to blame them so you can start smoking again. That’s how addiction works. But there are effective ways to […]