Top 10 Reasons why Smoking is Bad for Your Mental Health

Many harmful things can happen to your brain due to smoking. This claim is supported by many scientific studies and organizations, which are working on anti-smoking campaign. Admit it or not, as a smoker you have experienced many unusual and uncomfortable processes in your body and brain. Here are some of the most common detriments […]

10 Most Dangerous Chemicals in Cigarettes

Cigarettes contain over 4,000 chemicals, 200 of which are known to cause cancer. As you light the cigarette, the dormant chemicals become active and travel to your mouth, nose, and into your lungs. Some are absorbed by your blood which then carries the remaining chemicals to all other parts of your body, including your heart […]

5 More Reasons Why You Want to Quit Smoking Other than Lung Cancer

Almost everyone knows the harmful effects of smoking – from lung cancer to cardiovascular diseases and premature death. The good news is, more and more smokers are trying to quit each year. Giving up the habit of smoking benefits not only the smoker, but also the people around them. Aside from reducing your risk of […]

10 Reasons Why Simply ‘Cutting Down’ on Cigarettes Won’t Help

Many people who are aware of the negative impact of smoking to their well being and physical health, but could not let go of their habit, think that cutting down on their cigarette consumption can help them. True or false? Unfortunately, the answer is one BIG FALSE.

Top 5 Emotional Effects of Smoking

The first couple of cigarettes in a day may produce a kind of rush and lead to the feeling of enjoyment and pleasure. But as you fall into the belief that smoking relaxes you, the harmful compounds in it start to ruin your physical and mental health. Yesterday, we talked about the top 5 psychological […]

15 Things You May Not Know about Smoking

Smoking doesn’t have any benefit at all. But how come millions of people are still smoking? Why do they bother spending buying a crap? Why do they still smoke even if they know they are slowly killing themselves?

10 Things Non-Smokers Hate about Smokers

Many smokers don’t care whether they are puffing right in front of a one-year old baby, a person with asthma, or a senior having difficulty breathing due to the smoke. Most of all, they seem to care less about the health effects that their dangerous habit may bring to other people.

Can You Reverse the Side Effects of Smoking? 5 Tips to Do It

Congratulations! By landing on this article, you have probably just quit. That’s perhaps the best thing you have ever done to your health. But then, you must be worried about the damage smoking has inflicted to your body. You must have experienced plenty of health issues due to tobacco use. Fortunately, there is a way […]

5 Worst Effects of Smoking on Your Teeth

They say it is very easy to determine a smoker from a crowd without having to see them actually lighting up. Aside from the fact that they don’t smell good, smokers often have yellowish teeth, darker lips and gums, and overall poor oral health. Quitting smoking today will free you from the following not-so-good side […]